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Welcome to the Official Website of musician JAMIE GREER, aka "Johnny Ten-Inch", "Scotty Dimond" and
"Deacon Syth" (to name a few).
ANGELS OF ADDICTION Update (June 8, 2005)
Jamie (under his darker alias Syth) has reunited once again with his longtime collaborator D. Star and are busy writing and recording for Angels of Addiction. Music is being recorded for the
debut album, eyeing a possible summer 2006 completion.
INVADING MySPACE.com! (June 8, 2005)
Jamie is not visible (and audible) on several new mini-sites at MySpace.com.
He has also resumed THE WINDSOR SCENE, his former website that catalogued the entire local Windsor, Ontario music scene.

Excellence in Songwriting Award (2001) - "Suicide Star" |

me out!

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